Sunday, October 18, 2009

Taiping 1 day trip

visited to taiping with friends. we depart from penang around 1100am and tried the famous mee udang at Taiping...
the mee udang actually look delicious but taste is so so, a lot of prawns but the soup is not hot enough. even the sprout is not well cook also.
after took mee udang as our lunch, we heading to the the fish village. the river is important that not only for fisherman but also charcoal manufacture. they used the boat to carry the kayu bakau to reach the factory.

other than this, u can easily found eagles flying at the sky. there are a lot!
here the charcoal factory.
the bakau ready for burn and turn to charcoal

more bakau in smaller sizeafter that we went to the taiping market/foodcourt to try out this ice kacang, they called it snow mountain.
and this
of cos, the next destination is taiping lake
lotus seed and lotus flower. somehow, the flower is not pretty enough and the plant is like dying and drying in the pond.

next, final destination of taiping trip - Zoo

of cos, we also took this opportunity to get seafood for our dinner at bukit tambun...

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