暂时只想到以下几样,如有其它物品请留言,好让我补加上, 谢谢!
the Accessories for Portrait are show in below, please do let me know if i miss out anything so that i can add on later for sharing. thank!
配件 Items
1.草帽 Hat
2.花饰发夹 Hairband
3.手环 Wristband
4.特大耳环 Big Ear Ring
5.墨镜 Sunglasses
6.黑框眼镜 Black Frame Spec
7.腰丝带 Waist band
8.腰皮带 Belt
9.吉他 Guitar
10.花 Flower
11.洋娃娃 Doll
12.戒指 Ring
13.围巾 Scarf/Shawl
14.外衣 Outer Clothes/Coat
15.书刊 Book
16.包包 Bag
17.背包 Backpack
18.手提包 Handbag
19.吊缀 Necklace
20.手表 Watch
21.雨伞 Umbrella
22.相机 Camera
23. 气球 Air Balloon (提供 by: Hoay Fern)
24. 相框 Photo Frame (提供 by: Kelvin-Tan)
Sharing is Caring
by Poh-tography
wat about a stalk of flower / a photo frame? Model looking at the photo frame & smile, remembering the sweet moments.
yeah... great idea.. but the size of the frame must not be too big otherwise it's not convenient to bring along.. anyway.. thank for support! hehe
Hey erm, thanks for joining my followers. :) Forgive me but I don't have any memory seeing you before :|
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